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Taipei Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Floor Directory

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-12-08
  • View count:2240
Introduction by Floor of the Building
Floor Group or office
1st floor Applications area
4th floor Conference room (Liquidation room)
5th floor Documents transfer enforcement center (national tax administration office, municipal tax office, national health insurance Administration center, bureau of labor insurance office)
6th floor Chief Enforcement Officer's office,Enforcement Clerk, civil service ethics room, waiting room, execution area (1st廉, 2nd忠, 3rd孝, 4th仁, 5th信)
7th floor Enforcement Clerk, storeroom, inquiry room, execution area (6th和, 7th戊, 8th丙, 9th乙, 10th丁, 11th甲, 12th己)
8th floor Enforcement Clerk, case assignment room, inquiry room, information public relation room, execution area (13th庚,14th壬,15th子,16th丑,17th寅)
9th floor Enforcement Clerk, archives, inquiry room, duty room, execution area (18th辰, 19th午,20th申,21st酉, 22nd茂,23rd亥,24th恭)
10th floor Director’s office, Chief Enforcement Officer's office, secretariat office, personnel office, accounting office, statistics office
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