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Taipei Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


What if one is unable to pay in person at administrative enforcement agency due to lack of time after receiving payment notice?

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-12-08
  • View count:2441

If an obligator cannot make payment in person at administrative enforcement agency, the major payment methods are as follows (there are also payment methods provided in the back of payment notice): 1. Pay at transferring agency as specified in payment notice 2. Directly mail money order to administrative enforcement agency giving notice 3. Paid by an agent at administrative enforcement agency giving notice 4. For individual income tax, sales tax, vehicle license plate tax, house tax, land tax, land appreciation tax, stamp tax, deed tax and entertainment tax such administrative execution cases with arrear amount (including execution fee) less than 20 thousands, currently four major convenient stores (President, Family Mart, OK and HiLife) may collect administrative execution payment. The obligator may take the payment notice with bar code issued by administrative agency to stores of four major convenient nationwide within payment deadline. The agency continuously plans for other cases to facilitate obligator making payment with arrear amount less than 20 thousands in neighborhood.

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